Enhance Your Onboarding Process with IMAGINiT's ProductivityNOW

August 9, 2024 Matthew Kostura

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Onboarding new designers and engineers can be a daunting task for HR professionals. Ensuring that new hires are equipped with the right tools, knowledge, and skills from day one is essential for their success and your organization's productivity. IMAGINiT’s ProductivityNOW learning management solution offers a comprehensive approach to onboarding that not only accelerates learning but also sets a solid foundation for continuous growth.

Streamline Onboarding with Tailored Learning Paths
ProductivityNOW provides HR departments with the ability to create customized learning paths that cater specifically to the roles of designers and engineers. This industry tailored approach (AEC, Civil, Manufacturing) means new employees receive the exact training they need, eliminating unnecessary information and focusing on what’s most relevant. This efficiency reduces onboarding time and allows new hires to start contributing to projects more quickly.

Immediate Access to Essential Training
With ProductivityNOW, new designers and engineers gain immediate access to a wealth of training materials, including tutorials, webinars, and courses specifically designed for Autodesk users. This on-demand access ensures that your new hires can begin their learning journey as soon as they start, minimizing downtime and ensuring a smooth transition into their new roles.

Supportive Learning Environment
One of the key advantages of ProductivityNOW is its ability to provide continuous support beyond the initial onboarding phase. The platform’s interactive forums and expert-led sessions allow new hires to ask questions, share insights, and learn from experienced professionals. This community-driven approach not only enhances learning but also helps new employees feel supported and integrated into your organization’s culture.

Effective onboarding is critical for the long-term success of your designers and engineers. IMAGINiT’s ProductivityNOW learning management solution offers a streamlined, efficient, and supportive way to onboard new talent, ensuring they are well-prepared to contribute to your organization’s goals from day one. Invest in a solution that not only boosts productivity but also fosters long-term employee growth and satisfaction.

Request a demo and unlock the potential of your team today!

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