Multiple Job Queue errors occur during PDF Create jobs


In Autodesk Vault 2018.2 and later, a right-click on an eligible selected file can create a PDF file either in Vault or into an external folder using the Create PDF tool. Also, with the IMAGINiT Vault Client Utilities a right-click can also be used to generate a PDF from Tools > IMAGINiT Utilities > Create PDF.

Both methods are shown here:


Both methods can encounter several possible errors in the Job Processor during the PDF creation process, such as:

  • "You currently do not have permission to download this file. Contact your admin for support."
  • "Sync properties failed for the following files: <filename>: File locked"
  • "It looks like an error occurred during the file export. Please try again."
  • "...PDF already exists; it cannot be added."
  • "...Sync properties not allowed on non-tip versions"
  • "PDF cannot be created for historical file versions"
  • "Unable to retrieve file version..."
  • "Sync properties failed for the following files::File version does not exist"
  • "File '<filename>' is already checked out by user <username>"


The first three errors in the list above are caused by insufficient access, with the "You currently do not have permission..." being the most evident.

The second error is a lack of permission to update the file's properties in Vault.

The third error looks to be a lack of consistent capability by the Inventor server that installs with the Vault client.


What has worked for multiple sites is to set Access Control Lists by Vault Group for the top folder where all the design files are stored in Vault like this:


More importantly, give the Vault account that is running the Job Processor full control for Read, Modify, Delete and Download. The Modify and Download will solve the "You currently do not have permission..." error and the related error about "Sync properties failed..." that occurs after the PDF is successfully created.

The third error responds to designating Inventor as the handler for processing files in the Job Processor rather than using the Inventor server that installs with the Vault client.

This solution involves adding this phrase "<add key="UseInventorApplication" value="1"/>" to the <appSettings> section of the JobProcessor.exe.config on the host for the Job Processor that is located here: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Vault Client 202X\Explorer\JobProcessor.exe.config.

More details for this solution are here: How to configure the Vault 2018.2 (or later) Job Processor to use standard Inventor.

For the rest of the common Job Queue errors shown above after the first three, they are related to conditions for which the job cannot proceed. The 'Non-tip' and 'historical file versions' messages mean that a PDF can only be generated for the most recent version of a file, not for an earlier version.

So, the last six types of errors from the list above can be safely removed from the Job Queue that is accessible under Tools > Job Queue in the Vault client.


About the Author

Bob Felton

Sr. Technical Support Specialist, Manufacturing<br><br>Bob Felton has been supporting Autodesk products for over 25 years including core AutoCAD, P&ID, Plant 3D, AutoCAD for Mac, AutoCAD Mechanical, and Vault. His background is in graphics with an Applied Sciences degree and ten years manufacturing experience drafting, as well as technical illustration, image editing, and even patent drafting.

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