Civil 3D: Busted Pressure Network in a Data Shortcut

Diving into the intricacies of Pressure Network Runs in Civil 3D, this blog unveils an unexpected issue—vanishing data shortcuts.

Came across an issue with Pressure Network Run, that would not show up via data shortcut.  What was happening appeared to be isolated at particular Bend and the subsequent attached Pressure Pipe.  Notice the image below, Pressure Pipe #812 is shown in base drawing view (brown-left) and missing in the data reference drawing (blue-right):
Corruption in parts was suspected, as shown missing from Pressure Pipe list in the base drawing, the list skipped pipe #812.

As Civil 3D does not have the ability to export the Pressure Network via XML, the health of the entire network or pipe run was not able to be tested.  The focus was working with the troublesome parts.  The procedure followed here was to:
1.    Mark the exact Vertical Bend location
2.    Remove Bend/PVI 
3.    Add Bend/PVI exactly where it was
This prosses removed the corrupt bends and pipes, in the base drawing (brown-left), the important part here is to make sure new parts created have a new name/number and populated in the Pressure Network list.  This then allows design to populate via data shortcuts in referenced drawing as expected (blue-right).
Odd part corruption that our support team was able to catch and resolve, just the type of thing our IMAGINiT team see every day.

About the Author

Leo Lavayen

Civil Applications Expert<br><br>As an Applications Expert, Leo is responsible for supporting, training and implementation of software for survey and civil engineering professionals. He has more than 19 years of experience helping large and small, public and private clients in the eastern United States.

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