Autodesk Civil 3D 2019 includes subassemblies that were previously released in Civil 3D 2017 and the 2018.2 update. There is an assortment of subassemblies that are found in .PKT files (created in the Subassembly Composer) that are not included in the out of the box Tool Palette that can be very helpful including APWACurbs, varying types of benches, Caltrans and Clark County specific subassemblies, Dam, and more with over 60 in total. A list with descriptions can be found in the online help at: Civil 3D 2019 Additional Subassemblies.
- APWACurbs
- BasicBench
- BasicBenchTargetElevations
- BasicBenchTargetOneElevation
- BasicBenchWithOverExcavation
- Berm
- BioRetention
- CaltransCurbs
- ChannelDrain
- ClarkCountyBasicDaylight
- ClarkCountyConcreteBarrierType2
- ClarkCountyCurbE1
- ClarkCountyExtrudedCurb
- ClarkCountyGuardRailType31
- ClarkCountyRainGardenNoCurb
- ClarkCountyRainGardenV
- ClarkCountySidewalk
- ConditionalHorizontalTarget2
- ConditionalMarkedPoint
- CrossCutter
- CurbAndGutterCurbRamp
- CurbEmbPipe
- CurbOffsetPipe
- CurbWallRadius
- Dam
- DitchWithBermInFill
- Driveway
- EvenSlopeDitch
- GabionWall
- InfiltrationTrench
- LaneWithMarkedPoint
- MultipleBenchWithPipes
- ParkingAdjacentToRoad
- PermeablePavement
- PipeTrenchAdjustDiameter
- PipeTrenchMultipleLayers
- PipeTrenchMultipleLayers2
- RailDoubleTrack
- RailPlatform
- RailSingleTrack
- ReinforcedConcreteCribWall
- RockRetainingWall
- RolledCurb
- ShoulderBacking
- ShoulderIntersectLeft
- ShoulderIntersectRight
- ShoulderParabolicDaylight
- ShoulderRoundTarget
- ShoulderVariesExtensions
- SideSlopeCutDitch
- SidewalkSlopesAndBase
- SimpleCutWithLanding
- SimpleTunnel
- SimpleTunnelOpenBottom
- SLOCityCurbs
- SLOCountyCurbs
- SlopeDitch
- SoundWall
- StructuralSteelPlateVehicularUndercrossing
- ValleyGutter
- ValleyGutterSimple
- VegetatedFilterStrip
- VegetatedSwale
Making the Subassemblies Accessible
To make it so that the subassemblies are accessible in Civil 3D, they will need to be added to a Tool Palette. This is how we do that:
1. Use the Import Subassemblies feature on the Insert Tab:
2. In the Import Subassemblies dialog, browse to the storage location of the PKT files: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D 2019\enu\Subassemblies\Imperial or Metric and select all of the PKT files that you want on the Tool Palette. Click on Open.
3. Verify that the Tool Palette check box is selected and from the drop-down choose Create New Palette…
NOTE: As an option, you can select the check box next to Catalog Library/My Imported Tools to add the subassemblies to the Content Browser.
4. Enter a name for the new Palette and click on OK.
5. Click OK to close the Import Subassemblies dialog and complete the process.
When complete, you will have a new tab on the Tool Palette with the name you provided and the subassemblies you chose to include.
The additional subassemblies vary in their capabilities and provide great functionality that I believe is helpful to fulfill some of the design needs that was needed. I suggest taking some time to look over them, check out their Help pages and put the individual subassemblies that are helpful to you onto a Tool Palette.
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