Device limit reached message with Autodesk products

July 3, 2023 Ken Williams

Device limit reached message with Autodesk products


A device limit reached dialog box pops up when you are using an Autodesk product on 2 or more machines with the same Autodesk sign-in account. You are allowed to install Autodesk products on 3 machines, but can only run it on one machine at a time with the same user account.

Device limit reached dialog


The two options are:

Option 1. Close the Autodesk product on 1 of the machines. The device limit reached dialog box will show the machines that the Autodesk products in question are running on.

Option 2. Choose "Pause product" on 1 of the machines in the Device limit reached dialog box. This will pause the product without having to touch the other machine. NOTE: pausing the product on a machine using the Device limit reached dialog box does not end the drawing or modeling session on the remote device. No work should be lost. Once you close the product on the machine you are currently working on, you can return to the other machine and resume your session. 

About the Author

Ken Williams

Installation Technical Support Specialist<br><br>Ken Williams has over 20 years of experience as a systems administrator helping organizations with installation, configuration, and maintenance. At IMAGINiT, Ken puts his knowledge of Microsoft, SQL, servers, and Autodesk to work ensuring clients are able to stay up-and-running, install their software easily, and maintain their solutions.

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