Suppressing "An operating system restart is pending" when installing Autodesk products versions 2023 and above


You have built a deployment and want to know whether you can avoid seeing the following error message on the client PC: "An operating system restart is pending" message.


By adding the flag "REBOOT=ReallySuppress" in the install batch file, you can avoid seeing the following message on the client PC: "An operating system restart is pending" when installing Autodesk products versions 2023 and above".

Example of including this flag in the .bat file for a deployment with basic UI enabled: 

chcp 65001

rem ========== Install the deployment with basic UI ==========
".\image\Installer.exe" -i deploy --offline_mode --ui_mode basic -o ".\image\Collection.xml" --installer_version "" REBOOT=ReallySuppress

About the Author

Ken Williams

Installation Technical Support Specialist<br><br>Ken Williams has over 20 years of experience as a systems administrator helping organizations with installation, configuration, and maintenance. At IMAGINiT, Ken puts his knowledge of Microsoft, SQL, servers, and Autodesk to work ensuring clients are able to stay up-and-running, install their software easily, and maintain their solutions.

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