BIM 360 Quick Tips


Do you find it confusing to tell the difference between the two BIM 360 hubs? Is it hard to find some of the settings between the two platforms? We will go over some quick tips to tell the difference and find some of the basic settings.


  1. A quick way to tell the difference between the original BIM 360 Platform and the new Autodesk Construction Cloud Unified Platform is the color of the ribbon:

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  1. The Blue Ribbon = BIM360 Platform                    B. The White Ribbon = Unified Platform


  1. How to switch from one hub to another:
  1. BIM 360 Platform:

Click on the “Go to unified projects” button on the top right side of the screen.

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  1. Autodesk Construction Cloud Unified Platform:

While in Account Admin, click on the “BIM 360 Admin” button, then on settings.

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  1. Adding an outside company to your HUB.
  1. BIM 360 Platform:

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Click on the “Companies” tab, then click “Add” to add more companies.


  1. Autodesk Construction Cloud Unified Platform:

While in Account Admin, click on the “BIM 360 Admin” button, then on settings.

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Followed by the same steps from 3 A above. Adding a new company to either side platform is done on the BIM360 side.


  1. Adding, Editing, or viewing the Roles:
  1. BIM 360 Platform:

Click on the “Roles” tab, enter a new role and click add. Or edit any current role by changing permissions by clicking any icon in one of the columns in the green box. The yellow “gear” is a "Project Admin" role, the blue person image is a “Member” and the circle with a line through is for No Access.


  1. Autodesk Construction Cloud Unified Platform:

While in Account Admin, click on the “BIM 360 Admin” button, then on settings.

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Followed by the same steps from 4 A above. Adding a new company to either side platform is done on the BIM360 side.


  1. Editing Admins/ Members and their assigned products/ permissions:
  1. BIM 360 Platform:

Click on the any project, click on the “Members” tab. Click “Add” to add a new member, then change the icon under any column in the green box. You can enable or disable any product or permission by clicking the icon and cycling through them. The yellow gear is Admin, the blue person is Member and the “NO” sign is for no services.


  1. Autodesk Construction Cloud Unified Platform:

Click on any project, click on the “Members” tab. Click “Add members” to add a new member, then to change the products and permissions select one of the users. The area to make changes is off to the right of the name.

You can toggle the products and permissions off with the blue on off option.


If you have projects on both platforms we recommend that you bookmark the URL’s in your web browser for each of the respective Account Administration modules.

About the Author

Heather Volk

Sr. Technical Support Specialist, Building Solutions<br><br>Heather is responsible for responding to customer requests and helping them address technical challenges in a timely manner. She is an experienced Computer Aided Design Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the construction industry. She has strong arts and design professional skills in AutoCAD, plumbing, computer aided design (CAD), project estimation, and facility management, and a history of providing training and technical support.

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