Enhancing Digital Project Delivery

Learn how improved tools and cloud collaboration allow architects and engineers to better manage designs, flexibly resource projects, reduce rework, and deliver projects faster, taking you one step closer to achieving your business goals.


  • Background – how did we get here?
  • Digital project delivery and better management of business processes.
  • Maximizing your Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro investment and utilization.
  • How IMAGINiT is helping AEC firms tackle industry challenges.
  • How can you leverage IMAGINiT to improve outcomes?

For more information visit https://resources.imaginit.com/building

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What's New in IMAGINiT Clarity 2024
What's New in IMAGINiT Clarity 2024

Learn about the new features and functionality of Clarity 2024 including web-based task triggering from BIM...

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IMAGINiT Clarity for Construction
IMAGINiT Clarity for Construction


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