Civil 3D: Matching blocks to Eccentric Structures

As a follow-up to a previous post (Matching blocks to Concentric Structures) on how to make AutoCAD blocks match Civil 3D Concentric Structures, this post will focus on how to make blocks line up with the Eccentric Cylindrical Structure from the default Part Catalog:

First, from the Civil 3D Structure Properties review the value set for the Frame Diameter of the Civil 3D parametric part, in this case, a value of 24.000” (2’) will be used. 

Next, from the Civil 3D structure Style Display tab, enable the display of the “3D Solid” component.  Note here the structure insertion point, as this WILL play a role in how blocks are matched to the parametric part. 

Then, from the Civil 3D style Display tab, enable the display of the “Structure” 2D component.

When a typical “centered” type block is used for the Structure component, it will appear misaligned against the 3D Solid component.  Shown below is a centered circular block “SSMH 4 Center” assigned to the Civil 3D structure style. 
The apparent misalignment is due to the defined insertion point in the AutoCAD block.  Typically blocks are defined at the geometric center of the drawn elements. 

This fix in this type of slanted eccentric structure is to create a block where the insertion point is shifted.  Individual structure properties (wall, frame, diameter) will have to be taken into consideration when creating the shifted block. 

The created off-center block “SSMH 4 Shifted” is then assigned to the Civil 3D style and will appear in the desired location.  

Once again, the limitation is that if the parametric values of the Civil 3D structure are changed, a unique style and block WILL need to be created for each individual structure.

If configuration is something that you are struggling with, IMAGINiT can help with achieving your desired outcome from the vast line of Autodesk products.

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About the Author

Leo Lavayen

Civil Applications Expert<br><br>As an Applications Expert, Leo is responsible for supporting, training and implementation of software for survey and civil engineering professionals. He has more than 20 years of experience helping large and small, public and private clients in the eastern United States.

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