Creating a Centralized Data Environment with Autodesk Docs - Part 1

In this video, we'll centralize project data for better collaboration. Our IMAGINiT experts will explain Autodesk Docs workflows, reducing miscommunication and improving transparency. Topics: file management, reviews, transmittals, issue resolution, and reporting.

Check out Part 2.

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Crown Building Supplies Partners with IMAGINiT to Manage Project Costs
Crown Building Supplies Partners with IMAGINiT to Manage Project Costs

Crown chose to automate processes that would help them get stronger bids out faster, stay current on accoun...

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Creating a Centralized Data Environment with Autodesk Docs - Part 2
Creating a Centralized Data Environment with Autodesk Docs - Part 2

This webinar is focused on the centralization of key data points and information across all trade partners ...

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