Better Position Your Company with ProductivityNOW

October 11, 2019

Explore IMAGINiT’s eLearning and support solution, ProductivityNOW, and see how it can help your organization better evaluate potential new hires and existing staff, provide support for employees to improve efficiency and productivity, and attract and retain good talent.

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Hammontree Gets Answers Quickly with IMAGINiT's ProductivityNOW
Hammontree Gets Answers Quickly with IMAGINiT's ProductivityNOW

Hammontree uses ProductivityNOW, IMAGINiT's comprehensive eLearning and support platform, to get Autodesk h...

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ProductivityNOW Portal: Customer Testimonial
ProductivityNOW Portal: Customer Testimonial

Watch a first-hand account of the benefits offered by IMAGINiT’s ProductivityNOW Portal.